The Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco in Pretoria reiterates, on the occasion of the Africa Day which coincides this year with the Eid Al-Fitr in South Africa, that African identity is a celebration of all time, a shared perspective and a common ambition.
In the current difficult circumstances marked by the unprecedented proliferation of the Coronavirus, the emerging solidarity, cooperation and empathy across the continent are a source of pride and a beacon of hope.
It is up to us, Africans, to always look to the future of this continental emergence which federates identities and mobilizes the forces of Africa, a continent with enormous and unmatched potential.
African unity is not a mere slogan but rather a great responsibility and a heart-felt commitment. It is our duty to act with resolve and responsibility on the path to this future of peace, stability and prosperity, which must materialize while respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of States.
The Kingdom of Morocco will continue to place this ambition at the heart of its priorities. His Majesty King Mohammed VI’s leadership has made the emergence of Africa a perspective not only desired but drawn part of a global vision, an inclusive action and a united, responsible and ambitious approach.
The return of the Kingdom to the African Union, its institutional family, testifies to Morocco’s unwavering will to initiate a dynamic of global and sustainable development throughout the continent. The
Kingdom, a founding father of the OAU, has continuously joined efforts with African brethren to hoist Africa to the level of active forces on regional and international levels.
Morocco’s action within the African Union (AU) draws its substance from this same perspective, as underlined by His Majesty King Mohammed VI at the AU 29th Summit, held January 31, 2017 in Addis-Ababa.
“This is the path to solidarity, peace and union chosen by my country. We reaffirm our commitment to the development and prosperity of African citizens. We, peoples of Africa, have the means and the genius; together, we can fulfill the aspirations of our peoples. ”
The AU must provide this space that unites ambitions and pools strategies. Its role is crucial to express a continental vision which breaks with past approaches. The AU must be the locomotive of an Africa that moves forward, an Africa that trusts itself and an Africa that evolves.
The South African presidency of the Pan-African organization this year, comes at a turning point in a continental construction which must be based on consultation, common ownership and dialogue. The course of history is that of a close and unequivocal support for the priorities of an African youth in search of prosperity and opportunities.
Mobilizing African resources, trusting our skills and straightening out our economies are indisputable prerequisites for a Continent which places economic development, promotion of growth and creation of wealth at the core of its priorities.
His Majesty King Mohamed VI already recalled, in His speech in Abidjan in February 2014, “A vibrant, developed Africa is not merely a dream for tomorrow; it can be a reality today, provided we take action. Therefore, now is the time to act or to make a start. Indeed, it is essential to act because that is what makes political action credible; that is what makes it possible to achieve the desired objectives.”
Official Press Release To All media issued by the Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco in South Africa
For Immediate Release
May 25th, 2020