The Political system of The Kingdom of Morocco

The Moroccan political system has been monarchical since the founding of the state in the 8th century.
Due to political development and the urgent need to modernize the state, the first constitution of the Sherifien Kingdom was established in 1962, under which the system and under subsequent constitutions of 1970, 1972, 1992, 1996 and 2011 became constitutional monarchy.The key element of the new constitution is undoubtedly one that poses, immediately and unequivocally, the regulative principles of the Moroccan political system in its new configuration: “Morocco is a constitutional, democratic, parliamentary and social monarchy. The constitutional system of the kingdom is based on the separation, balance and collaboration of powers, as well as citizenship and participatory democracy and the principles of good governance and the correlation between responsibility and accountability” (para.1).
The King has the highest authority in the state, being the Commander of the Faithful (Amir Al Mouminine) and highest commander of the Royal Moroccan Armed Forces. The king has several authorities and powers such as choosing the prime minister from political party, which won the elections, removal of ministries and termination of the parliament and government, if necessary. The king also heads the Supreme Council of the Judiciary.
The Parliament of Morocco is the bicameral legislature. It is formed of two parliamentary chambers: the House of Representatives and the House of Councillors. The House of Representatives is formed of 395 members, who are elected directly for a five-year term, while the House of Councillors has not less than 90 and not more than 120 members. They are elected indirectly for a six-year term. The Parliament is composed of territorial groups, municipality councils, professional chambers and elected representatives.